Jenis-Jenis Teks (Genre)

Ada beberapa Jenis Teks  (genre) dalam bahasa inggris yang dipelajari pada tingkat SMP/MTS atau SMA/MA:

1.       Recount
2.       Report
3.       Procedure
4.       Narrative
5.       News Item
6.       Descriptive
7.       Analytical Exposition
8.       Hortatory Exposition
9.       Explanation
10.    Discussion
11.    Review
12.    Spoof 
Jenis teks yang dipelajari di setiap jenjang dan semester tentunya berbeda. Inilah urutan jenis teks yang dipelajari di setiap jenjang dan semester.

  1. Class X, semester 1 (recount, procedure, and narrative)
  2. Class X, semester 2 (descriptive, news item, and narrative) 
  3. Class XI, semester 1 (report, analytical exposition, and narrative)
  4. Class XI, semester 2 (spoof, hortatory exposition, and narrative) 
  5. Class XII, semester 1 (Explanation, Discussion, and Narrative)
  6. Class XII, semester 2 (Review, and Narrative)
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Program Dan Cara Belajar


       I.            PENDAHULUAN
Belajar adalah usaha atau kegiatan yang dilakukan secara sadar supaya mengetahui atau dapatmelakukan sesuatu.Hasil kegiatan belajar adalah perubahan diri dari keadaan tidak tahu menjadi tahu,dari tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu menjadi dapat melakukan sesuatu.

Kinds of Expression in English

Macam-Macam Ungkapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kinds of Expression in English

Ada beberapa ungkapan yang dipelajari pada tingkat SMA/MA kelas XI. Berdasarkan KTSP, inilah beberapa ungkapan yang dipelajari pada kelas XI SMA/MA

Semester 1:
Expressions of giving and asking for opinion
Expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Expressions of advice and warnings
Expressions of someone fulfilling request
Expressions of relief, pain and pleasure

Semester 2:
Expressions of attitude (giving opinion, agreement and disagreement)
Expressions of love
Expressions of sadness
Expressions of anger, embarrassment and annoyance


 (Kumpulan topik dalam "HOW DO YOU SAY THAT?")

Bahasa Indonesia > English

"Cuekin aja lagi" > "Don’t let it bother you", "Don’t think about it"
Ngedumel > Whining, complaining
Nirlaba > Non-profit
Mau, harus > Slang-"wanna," "gotta"
Kata –kata mutiara > Proverbs
Kesemutan > (leg,arm) fell asleep
Kram > Cramp
Pikiran kosong > "My mind went blank"
Urakan > Rowdy/unkempt
Norak > Tacky/in bad taste
Ge-er > Big-headed/egotistical
Mejeng > "See and be seen,"/pose
Gaul > Very social/ social butterfly
Kuper > Unsocialized/introverted
Mengerling > Wink/flirt
Melirik > Stare/flirt
Rumit/bingung > Confound
Tahi lalat > Mole/birthmark
Plin-plan > Wishy-washy



Reading (membaca) merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat 
(Notice/caution/warning) makna teks 
Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan gfungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berteima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar 
  • (Greeting card) Informasi tersirat
  • Tujuan komunikatif
  • (Short Message) Informasi rinci tersurat
  • Informasi tersirat
  • (Invitation) Informasi tersirat
  • Tujuan komunikatif

Genre: Narrative Text

Materi, Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional SMP
Narrative Text, adalah teks yang isinya merupakan cerita atau kisah tentang sesuatu. Contoh narrative text: cerita rakyat (folktale), cerita binatang (fable), Legenda (legend), cerita pendek (short story), dan sejenisnya. Di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang diikuti dengan penyelesaian. Fungsi utama teks ini adalah untuk berkisah atau menghibur pembaca.
Ciri-ciri narrative text:
1. Generic Structure:
• Orientation: berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)

English Free Test

Answer the questions correctly!!!

Why did the snake prey the mouse
Long time ago there lived a snake and a mouse. They were a couple of friend. They loved each other.
One day the snake wanted to go far away from the den. He asked to the mouse to keep his jewel. But the mouse destroyed the jewel become pieces.
After the snake came back, he asked for his jewel to the mouse. But there was no one at the den and so even the mouse.
Knowing his jewel was lost, the snake angry so much to the mouse. And he cursed the mouse that he will eat the entire mouse he met. So the mouse became a prey for the snake until now.

Sample Speech Of Kartini's Day

Sample Speech Commemorating the Day of Kartini

Dear Mr and Mrs ...
Dear Mr. Chairman of the RW ...
Mr Chairman of the RT ...
Adolescents and youth peer territory ...
Ladies and noble presence,

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Prosperous and happy congratulations also goes to our audience and the presence of a religion other than Islam.

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How To Learn English Easier

The best ways to learn English as second language faster.
Several Tips
  1. Learn English Slowly
    First you learn to listen.
    Then you learn to talk.
    Finally, you can read and write.

  1. Listen to English every day
    Listen to English radio.
    Watch English TV.
    Go to English movies.
    Use online lessons.

  1. Make an English/ESL friend
    Make up conversations.
    Practise dialogues.
    Use beginner textbooks.

Masterly English Autodidact

(The way to master English for second language user)
Tips and ideas to master English easier and faster.

There are many ways to master English. One of the ways is learning English autodidact. It means we learn English by ourselves, without teacher or tutor.

And here are several ways to master English autodidactic.

First, we have to remember the vocabulary as many as we can. Then practice them every day and every time. Don’t mention about pronunciations, we just remember the words and its meaning in our language. After we master in vocabulary section, the thing we should do is practice our pronunciation. Practice the words in correct pronunciation, slowly but must.

Classroom English

Many textbooks contain a Classroom English section devoted to useful words and phrases that are often used during an English lesson. You can find them usually at the beginning or ending of a textbook and they may be titled something other than “Classroom English”.  One of the benefits of using the classroom English in a textbook is the fact that students have access to the textbooks whenever they want and therefore have no excuse not to use classroom English.

Please adopt some of these phrases into your everyday speech in the classroom and encourage your students to do so as well.  A student should not be saying わからない (wakaranai), instead they should be comfortably using “I don’t understand.”